Brace yourself as Disney Animation takes the concept of immersion to unprecedented heights with its groundbreaking extravaganza: Immersive Disney Animation.
Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey through the vibrant world of Encanto? Picture yourself stepping into Mirabel’s Casita, where the rhythm of “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” pulsates through your veins, urging you to join the lively dance. But that’s just the beginning! Imagine standing beside Rafiki on majestic Pride Rock as the first rays of sunlight pierce through the horizon, signalling the grand presentation of Simba to the awe-inspiring animal kingdom. And hold on tight as you hop on a whimsical train ride with Judy Hopps, venturing into the bustling metropolis of Zootopia, teeming with life and adventure.
Immersive Disney Animation is a celebration that goes beyond merely experiencing the enchanting worlds of Disney movies; it’s an extraordinary homage to the music, artistry, and animation that make these films truly special. It’s an odyssey that invites you to traverse the rich tapestry of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ earliest groundbreaking features to the beloved modern-day hits, immersing yourself in the art and legacy that has captivated audiences for generations.
This magnificent celebration also grants you the opportunity to delve into the fascinating process behind bringing your favourite Disney movies to life. Discover the intricate art of storyboarding, where animators skillfully map out scenes and narratives, weaving intricate tales that captivate our imaginations. Witness how real-world locations inspire the creation of fantastical Disney Animation worlds, as you explore the magic of crafting immersive settings. And don’t miss the chance to unlock the secrets behind the art of effects, where Disney animators work their sorcery to make the impossible possible!
Whether you’re a devoted Disney aficionado or simply someone seeking an awe-inspiring immersive experience, Immersive Disney Animation is a grand celebration that must not be missed. Prepare to be spellbound as this breathtaking extravaganza unfolds at the magnificent 100 Kellogg Lane, opening its doors on June 3rd. Mark your calendars and get ready to let the magic sweep you away into a world where dreams come true!